BE Fearless

skeleton & fire be fearless art by balanced expressions llc

Be Fearless Design by Laura Jordan  Balanced Expressions LLC

“Anyone can act tough. What takes genuine power is to be open. To care about others. To learn from those around you. To be human.” ~ Robin Sharma

Today while working with a few Veterans….I was reminded……that suffering doesn’t give anyone a license to hurt other people – ever.

Too often we tolerate people’s bad behavior because they have been through very tough times, and for that we feel truly sad for them.  But as much as we might want to, it’s not our role to heal them.  Nor is it a duty to tolerate their destructive behaviors to us, our children or anyone else.

Feeling damaged or destroyed or at a loss by an emotionally/high stress/abusive  situation/s is a normal and appropriate HUMAN response.

Recognize those feelings for what they are…remember you are so MUCH MORE powerful than your/their negative feelings they try to push onto you.

We are NOT what we feel.  Other’s see a side that we can’t always see….to some they see a broken human being and do everything they can to remind you of that by actions, words and unkind gestures….to other’s we see a hero who has seen, lost & gone through so much so that our country might remain free, we see a person of strength who handles challenges we can’t even fathom.  Who fall apart behind closed doors, but smile to the world.

Beneath all the damage and apparent destruction of emotional pain/abuse or anything else going on,  there is a wholeness, a sensitivity and a desire to help out another human being.

Being FEARLESS means that we, ourselves are willing to look at any situation and change what we can, – walk away and eventually accept what we can’t change.  Knowing that difference is not an easy task.  It means being open and vulnerable,  to look for ways to help out no matter WHAT we are feeling.

Our soldiers where-ever they fought, have had to learn these lessons by leaving  family, friends, sometimes their businesses,  losing good comrades, going into dangerous situations, giving their best & all no matter what they were doing or where they were at.  Their families and loved ones have learned this by supporting, standing by and ultimately losing their loved ones as well.  The ones who have lost much, seen the worst, and fought fears most of us wouldn’t even attempt to try, are probably the toughest, most fearless people you will meet….but the most amazing and kindest, most sensitive people to be around who will reach to the ends of the earth to help another.

So no matter how hard ANYONE tries to tell you differently your inner core will always be what you decide to be no matter what situation you have been in.

Please leave your thoughts and comments by clicking on the comment link above underneath the date.

Honoring Your Vunerability

Courage & Trust

Honoring Your Vunerability

“We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.” ~ Henry Ward Beecher


Today I received this message from someone, somewhere who somehow knew I needed to hear this:

It goes like this:

“Find a way to HONOR your vunerability while still moving joyfully TOWARDS your future.!”

This gave me great pause ~ especially where my journey has taken me these last four dark months.   And YES while it has challenged me to the very edge of what I thought was my limits…each day I had a beacon of light through people who took the time to care.  Those who have known me & the situation from the beginning and those who just met me.  Those who have read my ‘No Worries’ Community page who were inspired and reached out to talk. Old friends who just called to, ‘see how you are doing.’

And while life is always changing ~ it is natural that good things are on the horizon again.  However, it is with cautious optimism that I am slightly holding my breath while hoping that this time these good opportunities, good people etc. become reality that stay around for good.!

It is tricky to navigate through challenges and not get stuck in the natural emotions that ensue.  It is easy to be grateful and helpful when things are going good for us – it is another thing to practice the same when things are not so good.

But when things turn around again and great opportunities arise, how do we grab onto them fearlessly knowing what we know….having been through the dark valleys we have been, having had the experiences we have had?

I guess the only thing I can say from my experience ~ is that you just gotta dig deep & push through the fear.  You got to KNOW that when you are doing EVERYTHING you can possibly can,  when you can admit your mistakes, learn from them & do things differently, then even just being WILLING to entertain different thoughts or actions to old challenges is a start.

You can & should be realistic yet still be positive.  Real life is MESSY.!  Real life requires you get down in the trenches & work – but while your down there you can train yourself to keep looking up, keep thinking of when you are done, what you will do then.  What good things will you reward yourself with.  Real life also can be really good….

Yes, you can HONOR your journey and the hell you have just been through – but DO NOT stay there.!  Keep moving and looking for the opportunities, possibilities and people that flow in & out of your life.  Yes – it may be challenging and some days it may take all you can do to just keep hold of one thing that is positive – but do it.!  It will keep you moving forward.
Closing down is somewhat like committing suicide. It means You give up…. you give up on life , people, chances & opportunities.  Don’t give up on yourself, especially now that you are slowly reaching the other side.  You may still have challenges to face but hey after what you’ve been through…you know this is a piece of cake & somehow you will make it.

Honor where you have been, the scars that you carry, but do celebrate the new, the good that is coming along as well.!

What are some of the ways you can Honor your Vulnerabilities While Joyfully Moving Forward in your life.?

Please leave your comments by clicking on the link above  just under the date labeled ‘Comments’.


BE Reflective

Thoughts - Photo found at

“BE The Cup The World Passes Through.”

“As you go through each day there is one thing you should know, you make someone smile with every thought of you.”

This was a message that was left for me today in my e-mail which of course made me smile and for a brief moment feel spectacularly special.  It also gave me a moment to wonder – who it might be & who would have sent this and reflect on my actions over the last few days that would warrant being sent such a great message perhaps when I needed to hear it the most.

With the way things have been going…this message gave me pause to thing about how every smile, every kind act that we give another, however small – perhaps doesn’t go by so unnoticed as we thought.

So often it seems we get so busy with life and all the things in it ~ that we can sometimes forget the small things…or how little time just a smile or an extra second to hold the door open for someone can be so positive, and who knows……it might just be that small thing that helps turn someone’s day around.!

We would like to hear your thoughts on how the little things count in your life.  Leave your comments above by clicking on the “Leave Your Comment Link” under the date.

Have a Great Day.!

What Do You Find After A Storm?

Sand Dollar in Water

What Do You Find After The Storm?

“Storms make Trees Grow Deeper Roots.” ~ Dolly Parton

This weekend I got a chance to visit the ocean again with my little one.  This is one of our favorite places to be, and this time we got to take friends with us – so of course we enjoyed it more & had way more fun.!  And as always – there are treasures to be found when one walks the beaches.  I especially like going with kids because they always exude such an enthusiasm for finding anything on the beach.!  🙂  And this weekend was no exception, what we found was a sand dollar.  I happen to come across these quite a bit in my wanderings at the beach, but this weekend was the first time that I had heard there might be a ‘legend’ to the sand dollar.

In my search for the ‘legend’ I came across the ‘symbolism of the sand dollar’ & as always I am amazed at how when one is paying attention we ALWAYS come across the messages that are relevant to our lives or that we just need to hear to keep us moving forward.  Here is what I found….

The Sand Dollar needs to have coordinated action, movements & motivation to be able to survive in its ocean environment.  A rigid exterior is needed to protect itself from predators and from the constant bumps it receives from being tossed about.  Yet it is so fragile that when certain pressure is applied when it is outside it’s ‘regular watery environment’ that it can break rather easily.  Which is why it is somewhat rare to find an intact sand dollar.

Sand dollars are quite adept at going from surface to burrowing down – just underneath the surface of the sand. Which is how they survive in such an ever changing environment.

“The sand dollar is symbolic of worth, value and valuing one’s Self. It is a living being from the sea.  The sea is representative of the collective unconscious: that which is born out of creativity and great expansiveness.  The sand dollar is so lovely, so delicate, and so fragile that it is easily broken in its original state.  At the same time it is extremely well formed and has survived the tempestuousness and disorder of its environment, the sea, to become this beautiful creature that it is.  Think about it, sand dollars come ashore to be discovered after a storm. 

Residing within the sand dollar are five beautiful “doves” which can only be seen once it is broken open. During the course of our lives, there are times when we have to break open.  The moments we break open are the moments we experience freedom and transformation.  The sand dollar represents who we are and what we were born with. This is our shell.  When we can break free from our shell, our restrictions, we can experience ultimate freedom and fly like the doves….!  That ultimate freedom is authenticity.”  ~ Deedre Diemer – The Authentic Journey

The Sand Dollar shows that constant change is expected and there is freedom in this movement much like the life.  Life flows at us, sometimes quite harshly, that is just the nature of life – much like the sea – sometimes you see a calm, gently swelling sea…but sometimes the sea can rise up hundreds of feet in storms……how we do we deal with it?

The Sand Dollar demonstrates the power of likes and similarities.  Are you socializing or surrounding yourself with like minded friends?

The Sand Dollar shows how to make the transition from the surface to burrowing actions. What is just under your surface? Do we look under the surface or do we just swim by oblivious to the treasures that are just beneath the surface of someone?

Are you streamlining your activities to make the most of your time in developing who you are & sharing it with the world?

What are you developing in your inner core so that when the storms of life may break you open what may be found?

Are you allowing the storms of life to break you or wash you ashore to display the treasure that you really are?

Click on the “Leave A Comment” Link at the top left hand corner under the date to tell us what you find after the storm?

How Do You Get It OUT?

ParCourse Image

How Do yOu get it out?

To live remains an art which everyone must learn, and which no one can teach.  ~ Havelock Ellis

No doubt about it….. No matter how hard you try ~ No matter how much sweat you pour ~ How good you are ~  How you finished a job well done ~ How much you have followed the rules, The suggestions of others, Recommendations from professionals….Doing everything to your best abilities.

Sometimes Life is gonna hand you things you  just can’t wrap your head around.!

And just because it happens  – it doesn’t mean you did something wrong, you weren’t thinking positive enough, you attracted it to you…..Life Just Happened ~ How you deal with it….is what matters.  Some will ignore it, most will numb it with anything they can get their hands on, and a few will just let it flow around them.

Holding it in – usually results in unhealthy side effects – Instead try breathing in deeply – 10 or more times

Numbing it – usually results in things getting worse – Instead – Try healthy alternatives such as relaxation techniques, talking with someone, exercise, meditations.  Stay true to your core no matter what & it will work itself out.  Using your tools helps you to keep moving forward even if it’s just a little bit.  When you stop to rest look back just once & you can see how far you really have come.!  🙂

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”  ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

When life BRINGS IT – how do you deal with it?

Leave your comments above (Just click on the comment link under the title & date at the top left hand side) Would love to see what works for you.  🙂

You Did What?

Forbidden Symbol

You Did What?

Going into this weekend I posted a controversial picture on one of our social media sites.  And yes, I have been somewhat judged harshly by it.  The picture in question had a duel purpose &  it has been a great learning tool for me because one finds out quickly who your true supporters are.! 🙂

Here’s why I posted the picture.  The duel purpose of this picture was to make a statement and also a fact finding mission to see who is paying attention.  The mission was a success and the statement is this……Of how far we as a nation, a country and a people have developed SELECTIVE LISTENING skills.

According to Eugene A Nida in applied Linguistics Language of Learning Journal:  “Selective listening means just what it implies, namely selecting certain features and listening concentratedly for and to them….Another reason why we shun the auditory approach is our prejudice, built up largely by our own ideas about eduction.”

We all practice selective listening to some extent – our brains would have a major meltdown if we took in every piece of information that came our way.

Today in society though, we have taken listening to an opposite extreme.  We only pretty much pay attention to shock value.  The bigger the hype, the more flashy or most taboo makes us stand at attention.  We have become so busy with our lives and the race to amass material things that we have forgotten how to ACTIVELY LISTEN.  We have forgotten the ART of communication – instead we shorten our writings, we multi-task while people are talking to us, we don’t look people in the eye, we are thinking of all our to-do lists of our busy lives.  We have stopped reading people, we have stopped watching body language and we have stopped enjoying conversation.

What is really happening on a deeper level when we do not practice ACTIVE LISTENING is that we miss out on bIg portions of what is ACTUALLY being said.  On a deeper level we begin to miss out on what people are ACTUALLY speaking to, which is really HOW they are feeling (or felt) about a situation, their experience and WHAT meaning they are taking into account based upon their understanding and experiences.  They are leaving big clues…we just aren’t really listening.

When we continuously do not practice active listening we begin to create HUGE rifts in all our relationships and eventually the people that are most important in our lives begin to give up trying to communicate.  Unfortunately it begins with our children.  No two ways about it – our children process their lives through talking – most times this is a joyous process of excitement, wonderment and “Oh wow.! HOW COOL WAS THAT?”  And for the most part we get involved in this conversation – somewhat.  “Yes, dear,” “Oh, really.!”  By not really getting involved in this type of conversation we rob our children of the excitement of experiencing life.  To us, we may have experienced, seen or felt a hundred times what they are experiencing for the first time, and by not totally & actively sharing in that excitement we rob them of the wonder of life.  Remember the feeling of experiencing something for the first time?  How exciting it felt?

They also process WHAT happens to them and they do this by talking about it over and over & over again until it becomes a non-issue to them….i.e. monsters in the closet, being bullied at school, an accident happening to someone else etc.  How we deal with these types of situations when they are communicating sets the tone for how well they feel they are being heard and how willing they will be to continuing to communicate in the hard times.

Another way we dis-honor communication is by minimizing.  As human beings we tend to value (pay attention) to what others are saying based upon what our experience has been, and for most of us, our lives have been pretty un-eventful.  It has been very basic, so when we hear of tragedy, painful experiences, abusive situations etc…we tend to minimize what we don’t understand and so we say things like “Oh, it can’t be THAT BAD.!”  “It COULDN’T HAVE happened that way.!”  “You’re MAKING IT OUT  to be worse than what it really was.”  “You attract what you think about.”  In other words, what we are communicating back is that we can’t understand so therefore it can’t have happened the way the other person is telling it.

I have been through some pretty tough situations starting in my childhood & I can tell you with alot of confidence that what I have experienced at the hands of others,  I wasn’t asking to be hurt and I wasn’t acting in a way that would warrant most of what I have been through and I most certainly wasn’t thinking that this was how I wanted or deserved to be treated.!  Most people usually don’t think that way.  But Life Sure Does Happen and how we DEAL with life happening is usually where it really counts.

We tend to try to rationalize & minimize what other people are feeling rather than stopping a moment and realizing that if we happened to be in the same sort of situation wouldn’t we be thinking/feeling or acting the exact same way?

A good example of this is the other day I happened to get into a conversation with a friend who happened to be needing to go in to have some medical test done.  They mentioned they were nervous about it and shared what exactly they were thinking.  It was interesting to see & hear the responses people gave to this situation.  Most were the ‘pat’ responses of …”Oh you’ll get over it”, “It’s not as bad as you think.”  “It will be ohk.”

On the other hand it was amazing & heart-warming to see & hear the responses of those who were actively listening.  “That happened to me and here is what I did,”  “I get what you must be feeling right now.”  “Not knowing is tough – but you’ll get through it.”  “I am thinking of you.”

I sort of understand why most people use these standard phrases and often times we want to show we care – but we just don’t know what to say.  But this is often the very place and situations where we can show up with the up-most compassion by before we speak taking a moment to ask ourselves a few very simple questions……”If this were me, how would I be feeling?”  “How would I want someone to respond to me if I were in this situation?”  And then responding from that level.

We tend to impose all of sorts of silly rules and now even laws so we don’t have to listen, we won’t have to face reality, & so we don’t have to feel; and it is killing our nation.

Starting with our children who are growing up in un-healthy situations, who when the brave ones come forward to speak their truth – they are being silenced by being bullied, they are told it didn’t happen, told to forget about it, told they are making it up….& even if they were making it up we aren’t looking for what might be motivating them to do so.

Their guardians are being pushed aside in favor of people who have money, and can manipulate the laws and systems to benefit themselves and keep their reputations in tact.

We are losing out on opportunities to make the difference we keep talking about because we are not actively listening.  And when we don’t actively listen, we not only dis-honor the ones who are speaking, we are dis-honoring ourselves by risking losing out on gathering the very information we might really need to help others and ourselves.

This coming week I am going to be paying closer attention to how effectively I am listening and communicating.  I challenge you to also pay attention to how effective your listening is.  Are you hearing only parts?  Are you paying attention to all parts of the conversation, even the subtle non-verbal cues?  How can you develop better listening skills?

Leave your comments above, (click on the link ‘Leave Comments’ on the top left under the date & title.)

I would love to hear how you communicate.!  🙂



Water Flow“If you decide to just go with the flow, you’ll end up where the flow goes, which is usually downhill, often leading to a big pile of sludge and a life of unhappiness. You’ll end up doing what everyone else is doing.” ― Sean Covey

It takes courage to map out a course in your life and go with it.  Even when obstacles as big as mountains get in your way – even when the choices you have to make aren’t what you are used to.  Sometimes what you decide doesn’t happen exactly on time – but you have to keep going forward.  Even against all odds.

Here is an excerpt from a good blog post found at:

Flow is described as “being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you’re using your skills to the utmost.” (Mihaly Cziksentmihalyi)

Going with the flow is supposed to signify natural, effortless movement from one moment to the next. When it comes to managing your energy and attention in the absence of an external boss, going with the flow can be disastrous.
In fact, it’s not flow at all, but faux-flow.

When going with the flow means flowing any which way, it’s not flow, it’s aimlessness.
Flow requires us to make a decision. De-cide, from the Latin “cut off.” Harsh words in our feel-good-crazy times, but essential to flow.
Flow requires deciding on a direction and turning away from competing directions. Until you make a decision, you may feel all flow-y, but you’re in a faux-flow trance.

If going with the flow means not going anywhere until the limitations are removed, it’s not flow, it’s apathy.
Flow requires constraint. A river gathers force from the narrowness of its banks relative to the volume of water. The same is true when you decide what to create. Limitation and constraint focus your attention, require you to make choices, and keep you moving forward.

Self Deception
If going with the flow means believing your thoughts and feelngs, it’s not flow, but self deception.
Accurate feedback is essential to flow, and we can’t get accurate feedback if we live in our heads.
The only way to get accurate feedback is to look to what philosopher Ken Wilber calls a community of the adequate. (I know. Not a very juicy term for the village that gives life to your creative endeavors, but he’s a guy.)
Left to our own devices, we see what we expect to see, what we want to see, what we are afraid to see. It’s not that we are unwilling to see the truth (well, not always), it’s just that the committee of me, myself, and I produce distorted information.

Breaking the Faux Flow Trance
Breaking the faux-flow trance means:

  1. Making a decision.
  2. Accepting constraints as an aid to the creative process.
  3. Actively soliciting feedback from a community that can see you in ways you can’t see yourself.

When you have those three factors in place, flow will happen. Without them, it won’t.
Flow’s more fun!

(most definitely! Molly 🙂